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UNRWA Facility Hit by Israel After Hamas Takeover

Israeli Military Targets Terrorist Operations Within Former UNRWA Headquarters in Gaza.

The Israeli military has struck buildings in northern Gaza that were previously used as headquarters for the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) but had been seized by Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, according to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). The IDF reported that terrorists were actively operating within these buildings.

In a statement, the IDF highlighted the systematic exploitation of civilian infrastructure by Hamas, stating, "This is another example of Hamas’ systematic exploitation of civilian infrastructure and the civilian population as a human shield for its terrorist activities."

To minimize collateral damage to civilians, the IDF implemented precautionary measures, including aerial surveillance, the use of precise munitions, and other intelligence measures. Despite these efforts, the IDF has repeatedly found weapons and tunnel shafts within UNRWA facilities.

One significant discovery was a Hamas complex located directly beneath the UNRWA’s headquarters in Gaza City, where Hamas computer servers were connected to UNRWA’s electricity system.

UNRWA is facing increased scrutiny and criticism, particularly following revelations that some of its staff members participated in Hamas’s attacks on October 7. In response, Israeli officials have called for the agency to be stripped of its authority in Gaza and defunded.

On May 30, the Knesset approved the first reading of legislation that would allow the Foreign Ministry to designate UNRWA as a terror organization, stripping it of its diplomatic immunity, tax-exempt status, and other legal benefits. Additionally, the Israel Lands Authority ordered UNRWA to vacate its Jerusalem offices due to lease violations.

Israel’s largest bank also froze UNRWA’s account in February over suspicious financial transfers that the agency could not adequately explain.

The unique status of Palestinian refugees, who are the only refugee population with a dedicated UN agency, has led Israeli officials to call for the dissolution of UNRWA and the transfer of its responsibilities to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

The airstrike on the UNRWA facility follows further revelations of Hamas using human shields. Over the weekend, Israeli forces located and destroyed weapons caches inside a Gaza university, residential homes, and a rocket launching site placed within a humanitarian zone.

This military action comes in the wake of the devastating Hamas attacks on October 7, which resulted in the deaths of at least 1,200 people and the abduction of 252 Israelis and foreigners. Of the 116 remaining hostages, more than 30 are believed to be dead.

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