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  • Danny Danon Returns as Israel's Ambassador to the UN Amid Heightened Challenges

Danny Danon Returns as Israel's Ambassador to the UN Amid Heightened Challenges

Danon Takes Up the Role Once More to Defend Israel on the Global Stage.

Danny Danon has resumed his role as Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, stepping into the position during a time of significant turmoil for the nation. Danon, who previously served as Israel’s UN ambassador from 2015 to 2020, replaces outgoing ambassador Gilad Erdan, becoming the first Israeli diplomat to hold the position twice.

On Monday, Danon officially submitted his credentials to UN Secretary-General António Guterres, marking the beginning of his second term. He acknowledged the gravity of the moment, stating, “I come back to the UN at the time of immense challenge for the people of Israel and the country of Israel.”

Danon emphasized the dire circumstances facing Israel, noting that the country is currently under attack on seven fronts and that 115 Israelis remain in captivity, suffering ongoing atrocities. He expressed hope that the UN would display the "moral clarity" necessary to confront the evils Israel is facing.

“I stand proud and tall, and I’m committed to represent my country, to show the real face of Israel and to push back the lies and hypocrisy that we unfortunately have to deal [with] here in this building,” Danon asserted, underscoring his determination to defend Israel’s image and interests on the global stage.

In an interview with the Jerusalem Post last week, Danon reflected on the changes at the UN since his last tenure. He observed that the international atmosphere has become more hostile, with a growing number of countries joining efforts to isolate Israel. This shift presents new challenges as Danon returns to what he describes as a “different UN, and a different situation” than the one he left four years ago.

Danon is particularly concerned about the Palestinian efforts at the UN to portray Israel as a pariah state. He warned that the language being used, such as accusations of "genocide," "starvation," and "apartheid," is part of a broader strategy to undermine Israel. “If we are not here to fight back, it will be easier for them to spread those lies,” Danon cautioned, highlighting the importance of Israel's presence in the UN to counter these narratives.

He stressed the need to explain Israel's actions and the reasons behind them to the international community, likening the diplomatic struggle to patrolling Israel's borders. “It is not easy; you are not going to win overnight. You have to deal with it every morning. You have to fight,” Danon said, emphasizing the ongoing nature of the diplomatic battle.

Danon, who has also served as a member of the Knesset from 2009 to 2015 and again from 2022, admitted that before the events of October 7, he hadn’t envisioned returning to the UN. However, the challenges Israel now faces have compelled him to take up the mantle once more. “I think now I can do more here fighting for Israel rather than being in the Knesset,” he added.

As Danon resumes his role, his return to the UN is seen as a critical step in defending Israel’s position on the world stage, particularly in these challenging times. His experience and determination will be vital as Israel navigates the complex diplomatic landscape ahead.

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