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Finland’s President Explains Decision to Purchase Israeli Arms and Not Recognize Palestine

President Stubb Emphasizes "Values-Based Realism" in Arms Deal and Stance on Palestinian Recognition.

Finland’s President Alexander Stubb defended his government’s decision to purchase Israeli arms while delaying recognition of an independent Palestinian state, citing security needs and a pragmatic foreign policy approach. Finland is acquiring Israel’s David’s Sling missile defense system, which Stubb described as essential for Finland’s defense in light of Russia’s ongoing missile attacks in Ukraine.

In an interview with Reuters, Stubb explained that Finland’s stance on the Palestinian issue is guided by “values-based realism.” While other Nordic countries like Sweden, Iceland, and Norway have recognized Palestine, Stubb said Finland would do so only when it could help advance a two-state solution and foster peace in the Middle East.

Stubb, who took office in March, emphasized that the arms deal with Israel was unrelated to the recognition of a Palestinian state. "In that one, I only look at realism, in other words, the fact that we need those weapons. So that's when I look at Finnish security,” he said.

Last month, Stubb told Finnish diplomats that recognizing a Palestinian state was "a matter of time" and that the decision would be made strategically to contribute to Middle East peace. He reiterated that the arms purchase from Israel was purely a matter of Finland’s national security, separate from its position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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