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  • IDF Takes Down 1-Kilometer Terror Tunnel in Northern Gaza

IDF Takes Down 1-Kilometer Terror Tunnel in Northern Gaza

Tunnel Equipped with Rail Line and Weapons Found in Beit Lahia.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced on Tuesday that it had discovered and destroyed a Hamas terror tunnel in the Beit Lahia region of northern Gaza. The tunnel, over a kilometer in length, was identified by IDF combat engineers through intelligence operations.

The IDF reported that the tunnel was equipped with electrical infrastructure, weapons, and a rail line to transport equipment, underscoring its strategic importance to Hamas. Major “S,” the engineering officer for the IDF’s Northern Brigade, confirmed that the tunnel had been used extensively for terror activities against Israeli forces. “Inside the tunnel, we found infrastructure proving the tunnel served Hamas in a significant way in terror activity,” he said.

This discovery comes as part of Israel’s ongoing efforts to neutralize Hamas’s tunnel network, which has been a key element of the terror group’s strategy. The New York Times recently reported that the IDF seized a Hamas combat manual outlining specific tactics for operating within these tunnels, emphasizing the group's sophisticated use of underground warfare. The manual provided instructions on how to navigate tunnels, camouflage entrances, and move efficiently underground.

Hamas has long relied on these tunnels to launch attacks, smuggle weapons, and carry out other terror operations. The IDF’s success in locating and destroying this tunnel is a significant blow to the group’s capabilities in northern Gaza.

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