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Exiled Iranian Crown Prince Calls for Overthrow of Tehran Regime

Exiled leader Reza Pahlavi urges global support for Iran’s freedom from the Islamic Republic.

The exiled Iranian crown prince, Reza Pahlavi, has called for decisive action to overthrow the Islamic Republic of Iran, urging greater international support for the Iranian people. Speaking at the Israeli-American Council (IAC) summit in Washington, D.C., Pahlavi stressed that the time for solidarity had passed and that the world must now act to help Iranians take down the regime in Tehran.

“We have to put an end to this regime,” Pahlavi declared, emphasizing that change would come from within, driven by the Iranian people rather than foreign intervention. Pahlavi, who leads the National Council for Iran, advocated for organized campaigns and labor strikes as the fastest way to bring the regime to its knees. “We need to be able to organize labor strikes in Iran, which is the quickest way to bring this regime down in paralysis,” he explained.

Pahlavi also urged efforts to increase defections from the regime’s ranks to weaken internal resistance when the time for change arrives. He underscored the critical role of international coordination, particularly from the U.S., Israel, and other key nations, in supporting the Iranian people’s struggle for freedom. “If we get the proper leadership in place and coordination, I believe that we can succeed and prevail,” he said.

When asked about the broader dangers in the Middle East, Pahlavi argued that many of the region’s issues—ranging from Hamas and Hezbollah to terrorism financing—can be traced back to Tehran. He compared the Islamic Republic to an arsonist, igniting conflict after conflict throughout the region. “The eye of the octopus is sitting in Tehran. It’s not sitting in Beirut. It’s not sitting elsewhere,” Pahlavi said, underscoring that ending the regime would resolve multiple crises at once, including the nuclear threat and the support for terrorist proxies.

Pahlavi, who wears a yellow ribbon symbolizing solidarity with the hostages held by Hamas, reminded attendees that millions of Iranians have been living as hostages under the Islamic Republic for over 40 years. “Let’s not forget, the first hostages have been millions of Iranians for four decades. Under this regime, we have to free them first,” he said, stressing that true freedom for the Iranian people is inseparable from regional peace.

Looking toward the future, Pahlavi envisions a time when Iranians and Israelis can work together on joint ventures, particularly in areas like water management and agriculture. “One of the reasons I traveled to Israel last year was to talk to the Israeli water experts because we are facing a serious water crisis,” he said, pointing to the potential for strategic partnerships between the two nations.

“The natural relationship between Iran and Israel is a huge strategic partnership in the region,” Pahlavi added, noting that such cooperation would benefit not only the two countries but the broader region. His vision is for a future where conversations between Iranians and Israelis focus on development and reconstruction, rather than warfare and destruction. “The only solution at the end is to put this regime to rest,” he concluded.

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