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  • Facing Protests, Israeli Olympic Soccer Team Vows to Stay Strong: 'They Will Only Make Us Better'

Facing Protests, Israeli Olympic Soccer Team Vows to Stay Strong: 'They Will Only Make Us Better'

Coach Luzon Embraces Potential Disruption as a Source of Strength.

As the Israeli Olympic soccer team gears up for their opening match against Mali, coach Guy Luzon remains unfazed by planned protests from anti-Israel groups. According to reports, the French organization “Europalestine” intends to stage a silent protest inside the stadium, condemning what they call the "genocide in Gaza."

Luzon responded confidently to the anticipated protests, saying, “They will only make us better. Let the protests be held with as many people and as much noise as possible; it’ll make us perform more strongly.”

Amid these plans, the “Palestine Olympic Committee” (POC) has also been active, sending a letter to International Olympic Committee (IOC) chief Thomas Bach. The POC's letter urged Bach to bar Israel from participating in the Paris Olympics, citing violations of the Olympic Truce due to the conflict in Gaza. They highlighted the plight of Palestinian athletes, claiming around 400 have been killed and sports facilities destroyed, exacerbating their already difficult situation.

In addition, the letter referenced a recent International Court of Justice opinion that declared the Israeli “occupation” of Judea and Samaria as “unlawful.” Following this, Iran echoed similar sentiments, with their Foreign Ministry stating that Israeli athletes should not be allowed at the Paris Olympics due to the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

Bach, however, dismissed these calls, emphasizing that the Olympic Games transcend political disputes. “The Olympic Games aren’t a competition between countries or governments,” he stated. “If we were to engage in political discussions about wars and conflicts, the opening ceremony would feature 100 countries instead of 206, given all the wars happening around the world.”

This year marks the third Olympic appearance for the Israeli soccer team, who previously reached the quarterfinals in both 1968 and 1976. Despite the external pressures and planned protests, the team remains focused and determined to excel in the tournament, embodying the spirit and resilience of Israel on the international stage.

As Israel continues to face challenges, both on and off the field, the unwavering spirit of its athletes serves as an inspiration. The determination of the Israeli Olympic soccer team exemplifies the nation's strength and dedication to overcoming adversity.

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