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Jewish Community and Allies Unite in Montreal for ‘March for Jerusalem’

Over 10,000 gather in support of Israel and call for the release of hostages.

Thousands of Montreal Jews and allies marched in solidarity with Israel on Sunday, as part of the powerful March for Jerusalem. Wearing the blue and white of Israel, the crowd gathered to call for the release of the 101 hostages held by Hamas in Gaza and to show unwavering support for the Jewish state.

The event saw over 10,000 people registered, with estimates suggesting nearly double that number attending. The 5-kilometer march, organized by Federation CJA, began in Hampstead Park, a predominantly Jewish neighborhood. Participants walked through the streets of Hampstead and across main city thoroughfares, cheered on by supporters from windows and balconies.

"The Jews of the Diaspora strengthen the Jews of Israel, and the Jews of Israel strengthen the Jews of the Diaspora," said Yair Szlak, President and CEO of Federation CJA. "We are one people, we will always be one people and we need to make sure that we stay united because together we will win. Together we will be stronger. Am Yisrael Chai."

The march was a display of Jewish pride, with many participants donning kippot and Magen Davids, reflecting the community’s defiance in the face of rising antisemitism. Szlak emphasized that the event celebrated Jewish life, expressed solidarity with Israeli hostages and soldiers, and launched the Federation’s annual fundraising campaign. This year, Federation CJA aims to raise $105 million to support local security and bolster aid for Israel, surpassing their usual $45 million target.

"Those who are trying to intimidate us—we will not hide. We are proud to be Canadian, proud to be Jewish, and proud of our relationship with Israel," Szlak said.

Ahead of the march, participants stopped by the BringThemHome Montreal booth to collect posters featuring the hostages. Proceeds from sales of cookies emblazoned with yellow ribbons were donated to Israeli causes. Eric Hazan, whose cousin Omer Shem Tov was kidnapped from the Supernova music festival during the October 7th attacks, spoke about the importance of these events for families of the captives. "We are very anxious and fearful for them, but we remain hopeful," Hazan shared.

Joining the march were 40 members of the Christians for Israel group, showcasing their solidarity with the Jewish community. "We have a deep love for the Jewish people and for Israel," said Benjamin, 36, a member of the group. "Israel is God’s chosen people, the apple of God’s eye."

Israeli expats and tourists also took part, including Yael from Rishon Letzion, who was in Montreal for work. She video-called her children in Israel to show them the support in real-time. "It’s very surprising and extremely emotional to see so many people gathered here in support of our country," she said.

The march culminated in a lively festival featuring performances by Eden Golan, Israel’s representative for the 2024 Eurovision Song Contest, and social media influencer Montana Tucker, who expressed her deep love for Israel. "I hope the whole world will see this and follow the model," she said.

Speakers included former Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada Irwin Cotler and Israel’s Consul General in Montreal Paul Hirschson. "There is a lot of antisemitism, but it doesn’t intimidate anybody and it will not frighten any of us," Hirschson affirmed, reflecting the spirit of the day.

The March for Jerusalem was more than just a demonstration—it was a vibrant celebration of Jewish resilience, unity, and hope for the future.

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