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Haley Blames Iran, Russia, and China for October 7 During Southern Israel Tour

Former UN Ambassador Links Foreign Powers to Hamas Attack

Touring southern Israeli communities devastated by the October 7 Hamas attack, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley laid blame on Iran, Russia, and China for their roles in the assault. Standing with Likud MK and former UN envoy Danny Danon at the site of the destroyed Sderot police station, Haley warned that similar attacks could occur in America if the threats are underestimated.

"Hamas’s attack on October 7 was orchestrated by Iran. It was helped with Russian intelligence. And it was fueled by money from China. Don’t deny that," Haley asserted, though she did not provide specific evidence to support these claims.

Haley emphasized the interconnected roles of these nations, stating, “China’s been funding Iran the entire time. Russia’s intelligence helped them know where everything was. Iran helped get them trained. So this isn’t Hamas. These are all murderers and accomplices.”

Although there is no concrete evidence of Russian or Chinese involvement in the attack, Russia has been critical of Israel’s actions in Gaza, hosting Hamas officials and advocating for ceasefires that omit references to Hamas. China's foreign ministry has also been active, planning to host Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi and other Arab leaders to discuss the Palestinian issue.

Haley’s visit, organized by Danon, included stops at Kibbutz Nir Oz and the Nova festival site in Re’im, where she met with survivors and local residents. She used the visit to bolster her foreign policy credentials amid speculation about a potential vice-presidential run alongside Donald Trump, although she stated that Trump had indicated she would not be his running mate.

Criticizing President Joe Biden’s Middle East policies without directly attacking him abroad, Haley argued that withholding weapons from Israel harms its defense capabilities. She linked the Gaza conflict to U.S. domestic security concerns, stressing the need for stringent border controls to prevent similar attacks.

Haley reiterated her support for Trump, focusing on his strong stance on Israel and national security. "Supporting Trump is about a strong America. It’s about a strong Israel. It’s about having the backs of our friends. It’s about holding our enemies to account," she said.

Danon, while supporting Haley’s claims about Iran, acknowledged the need for further investigation into the involvement of Russia and China, noting the origins of some of the weaponry used by Hamas.

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