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  • Meet Sapir Ganish The Medic Who Saved Lives Amid Terror on October 7

Meet Sapir Ganish The Medic Who Saved Lives Amid Terror on October 7

As terrorists infiltrated Israel, Ganish put duty first, saving lives while facing immense personal danger.

On the morning of October 7, 2023, Sapir Ganish was awakened by the sound of rockets exploding overhead. Despite no siren warning in Ashkelon, she quickly donned her Magen David Adom (MDA) medic uniform and set out, determined to help. As rumors spread that terrorists had infiltrated Israel from Gaza, Ganish’s first thoughts were of her family in Sderot, but she remained focused on her mission to save lives.

Her drive to the MDA station was fraught with danger. Rockets fell frequently, and Ganish had to stop on the roadside to take cover. Each time, she checked to see if anyone was injured and in need of assistance. Yet even with the chaos around her and the growing fear for her sister a soldier stationed on a base now under attack Ganish pressed on without hesitation.

Arriving at the MDA station in Ashkelon, Ganish was immediately tasked with heading to Kiryat Gat with three other volunteers. As rocket sirens blared and communications with her family were lost, Ganish remained calm, continuing to her destination. Along the way, a rocket fell right before her eyes, and a suspicious vehicle passed by, but she refused to stop.

After completing her mission in Kiryat Gat, Ganish returned to Ashkelon, where she worked tirelessly treating the injured and evacuating them to the hospital. The scenes at the hospital were devastating severely wounded victims and piles of bodies. In the midst of this horror, Ganish received the heartbreaking news that her cousin, a combat soldier, had been killed in battle.

Despite the emotional toll, Ganish continued her work without faltering. Later, she finally received some good news her sister had been safely rescued from her base.

Like so many first responders that day, Ganish set aside her personal fears and grief to focus on those who needed her help. Her courage and dedication serve as a powerful reminder of the strength of Israel’s medics, who risk their own lives to save others in times of crisis.

Sapir Ganish’s story is a testament to the spirit of resilience and selflessness. Help share her story or subscribe to our newsletter for more updates on Israel’s heroes.