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  • At 'Stop Antisemitism' Event, Trump Vows to Expel Hamas Supporters

At 'Stop Antisemitism' Event, Trump Vows to Expel Hamas Supporters

Former President Pledges Tough Stance Against Pro-Hamas Activists and Refugees.

During a "Stop Antisemitism" event in New Jersey, former US President Donald Trump made a bold promise to deport foreign supporters of the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas if he is re-elected. Speaking to a crowd focused on combating anti-Jewish hate, Trump emphasized his commitment to removing pro-Hamas activists from the United States.

“We will deport the foreign jihad sympathizers, and we will deport them very quickly. And Hamas supporters will be gone,” Trump declared. “If you hate America, if you want to eliminate Israel, then we don’t want you in our country. We really don’t want you in our country.”

In addition to his vow to deport Hamas supporters, Trump also promised to ban refugees from Gaza, arguing that allowing them into the US would pose a significant terror threat. He also committed to arresting those who engage in anti-Israel vandalism or violence.

“I will ban refugee settlements from terror-infested areas like the Gaza Strip, and we will arrest the pro-Hamas thugs who vandalize federal property and make life very difficult in this country for a lot of people,” Trump continued.

Trump's statements align with growing concerns among Republican lawmakers about the potential resettlement of refugees from Gaza. Last month, six Republican senators wrote to US Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, urging increased security measures along the northern border in response to Canada’s acceptance of Gazan refugees. The senators expressed concern that some of these refugees might attempt to enter the United States.

In the aftermath of Hamas’ October 7 attack on Israel, which left 1,200 people dead, Republicans have intensified their efforts to court Jewish voters. Sensing a shift in the traditionally liberal Jewish voting bloc, Trump’s campaign recently launched “Jewish Voices for Trump,” a coalition aimed at rallying Jewish support for the former president.

The group’s mission statement highlighted Trump’s achievements, particularly the Abraham Accords, which it credited with enhancing regional stability. “With President Trump we knew we had a White House that stood with Israel, and a president who defended the Jewish people,” the statement read.

While many Democrats initially supported Israel’s military response to Hamas, there has been growing criticism from some within the party. Notable figures like Senator Elizabeth Warren and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have voiced concerns that Israel’s actions in Gaza could amount to genocide. A group of 30 House Democrats has also urged President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken to reconsider arms shipments to Israel, citing concerns over civilian casualties.

Recent polling suggests that Trump’s efforts may be resonating with Jewish voters. A survey conducted by pollster Richard Baris shows that Jewish voters currently favor Vice President Kamala Harris over Trump by a narrower margin than expected, with Harris leading 52.7% to Trump’s 45.9%.

As the political landscape continues to evolve, Trump’s stance on Hamas and his outreach to Jewish voters could play a significant role in the upcoming election.

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