Unity Amid Adversity: The Secret to Israel’s Remarkable Happiness

In a thought-provoking op-ed for the Wall Street Journal, American historian Gil Troy explores the profound sense of happiness pervading Israeli society, even in the face of adversity. Despite the challenges posed by geopolitical tensions and internal political polarization, Israel astonishingly ranks fifth in the latest World Happiness Index, outpacing many seemingly more tranquil nations, including the United States.

Troy, a respected presidential historian and senior fellow in Zionist thought at the Jewish People Policy Institute, argues that the essence of Israeli happiness lies not in the absence of conflict, but in the deep social cohesion, enduring family ties, and a rich tapestry of tradition and history that bind its people. This unity was especially evident following Hamas’s invasion, which, despite its horrors, brought Israelis closer together, finding solace and strength in each other and a shared purpose.

Contrary to the isolated and often directionless feelings that plague many in the West, Israelis derive their joy from a profound sense of community, belonging, and a purposeful existence. The nation’s happiness is rooted in family and communal bonds, nurtured by a culture that values diverse influences and adult role models beyond the nuclear family.

Highlighting the importance of family as the backbone of democracy, Troy echoes political thinker Alexis de Tocqueville, emphasizing that families instill virtues of loyalty, commitment, and self-sacrifice. This foundation extends to the wider community, fostering a culture of cooperation, trust, and hope, ensuring that no Israeli ever feels truly alone.

Moreover, Troy points out, Israelis are buoyed by a deep connection to a millennia-spanning narrative, seeing themselves as part of a continuous Jewish saga. This historical consciousness, with its cycles of oppression and liberation celebrated in key holidays, provides a resilient framework for understanding and overcoming contemporary challenges.

In a world where happiness is often equated with material comfort or fleeting pleasures, Israel’s example stands out as a beacon of how a society can flourish through adversity, bound by the unbreakable ties of family, tradition, and a collective sense of destiny. This is the spirit of Israel, a nation that, despite facing unparalleled challenges, continues to shine brightly on the world stage, embodying the values of unity, resilience, and an unwavering commitment to life and liberty.